Celebrate Fremont's 50th Anniversary Blog: I'm just a kid from Fremont who throws hard...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I'm just a kid from Fremont who throws hard...

We here at Celebrate Fremont think that Dennis Eckersley is pretty great. Our own hometown hero, who grew up in Fremont and went to Washington High, is the first Fremontian to be entered into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Check out the exerpt from the Argus article below and be sure to come to "Celebrate Fremont @ the Park" and join in on Dennis's FREE baseball clinic!

Celebrate Fremont calls for naming Washington High field after Eckersley

"Eckersley spent nine years as an Oakland A's relief pitcher, seeing the team through three consecutive American League championships from 1988 to 1990. He was named the league's most valuable player in 1992."

The school district has a policy that allows for the naming of a school facility after an individual who has contributed greatly to the district as a student, staff or community member, or who has made "contributions of local, state, national or worldwide significance."

"I think being the first and only person from Fremont being elected to the Hall of Fame would fit that criteria," Jack Rogers said. (more)