SRO! - Standing Room Only!
Fremont's Terrific Trio of Former Mayors (Left to right) Don Dillion, Gus Morrison, and Jack Parry
The Impossible Dream was SRO!!
A jammed packed room of eager Fremontonians were treated to a wonderful account of how Fremont came to be. The Fremont Main Library was packed wall to wall!
Former mayors Don Dillon and Jack Parry entertained, educated, and charmed. They shared fascinating stories and compelling tidbits of how our 5 historic towns came together in 1956 to form Fremont.
We heard it all. They told us of the challenges they faced when developing the City's General Plan and founding the first City Council. Two of Fremont's founding fathers, Dillon and Parry, illustrated how Planning Commission envisoned Fremont would be 50 years in the future.
This last installment of the Library Speaker Series was true to Celebrate Fremont's mission statement: "Creating a legacy for the future, by cherishing our past and connecting with our future." The Impossible Dream was a perfect way to wrap up this popular lecture series!
Hats off to our past Mayors Don Dillon and Jack Parry! Your contributions and vision made Fremont the incredible city that it is.
Magical really! The presentation was inspriational!
(Left to Right) Don Dillon, Janet Cronbach (Fremont Library: Local History and Reference Services), Jack Parry, Gus Morrison, Angela Yang (Fremont Library Manager)
The Past and Present: First Planning Commissioner Jack Parry and current Planning Commissioner Sue Chan stand in front of the City's First General Plan.
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