Well, Gee Golly

For those return visitor's surprise we have a new look! For those of you who are new, the first page of the blog only holds our most current 10 posts, so please be sure to check out the archives in the column to your right. In the July Archives you'll find gem's like 4th of July Parade pictures, others turning 50th this year, the Fremontia, Fremont's across the country, the Warm Springs Wineries and more!
The August archives feature posts on the Fremont Redas program, National Night Out, the Festival of the Arts, Ardenwood's Art in the Park, the FIA's Festival of India pictures, Fremont Day @ the A's, the Heritage Tours, The Hayward Fault exhibit and tons more!
September has posts on the high schools painting murals for Celebrate Fremont @ the Park, Flavors of Fremont, Dennis Eckerseley & Shawon Dunston, Fremont Artists, and pictures and videos from Celebrate Fremont @ the Park (come back soon we're working on getting a high quality version of the laser light show)!
Whew! That's a lot and we didn't even list it all! Feel free to check out a few posts now, come back and see the rest! As you can see we update pretty regularly, so if you have things you want to see up on the blog, please leave a comment and let us know! The future is in your hands!
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